Tuesday, July 20, 2010

what to do when flashed

Being flashed shouldn't always result in you dying. Obviously this topic is very situation, and it's impossible for me to go through every possible situation. However, there are a few key points that I would like to raise.

- Spray Spray Spray!. If you're flashed and you have a fair idea where the enemy is, spraying a clip isn't always such a bad idea. Sure it will further give away your position, but many times if they are on the other side of something and flash over the top, they will run through the door/passage way/area and be easy to nail down even when flashed.

- Look away. Yep it's that easy, flash bangs arent instant and usually a quick look away can reduce the duration of the flash.

- Rush the flasher. If you're playing dust2 and are at A long and a terror wrist defending the doors nades inside the little area, run outside before the flash can go off.

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